Stay Tuned for more information on more counselor-led, research-supported couples workshops in the future at:

425 Industrial Ave, Morgantown, WV

Hosted by Lauren Pavlic, MA, LPC, NCC

A tangible approach to relationships. 

The Gottman Seven Principles Workshop is based on the New York Times Bestseller, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. This workshop was developed using ground-breaking research by Dr. John Gottman and Nan Silver on what makes relationships work. Over 40 years of research and 3000 real-life couples’ experiences have been compiled to create a program for couples who want to strengthen their relationship and learn real-life skills to create a lasting relationship. 

This workshop is perfect for couples who want more from their relationship. 

Over this one-day training, you and your partner will learn what makes and breaks a healthy relationship. The two of you will do concrete exercises to help strengthen your relationship and grow your bond long after this workshop is over. Couples will be in a comfortable and engaging space.

Exercises are designed to:

  • Improve friendship, fondness, and admiration 

  • Enhance romance and intimacy 

  • Manage conflict constructively

  • Gain skills to address perpetual and solvable issues 

  • Create shared meaning 

  • Maintain gains throughout a lifetime

What are the Seven Principles?

Enhance Love Maps| Consistently maintain a detailed map of our partner’s inner world, including their thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes, dreams, fears, over time, of y, etc. 

Nurture Fondness & Admiration| Focus on your partner's positive, lovable traits and create a culture in which your partner feels both liked and loved. 

Turn Toward Each Other: Bid for your partner’s attention with vulnerability and ​accept your partner’s bids for connection with a relationship-building response. 

Let Your Partner Influence You| Accommodating your partner’s needs wants, and desires without sacrificing your own.  

Solve Your Solvable Problems| Bring up conflict issues gently and allow for conversations to be repaired. 

Overcome Gridlock: Create an environment of emotional safety to understand the deeper meaning behind your stuck conflicts.

Create Shared Meaning| Intentionally build your own unique culture as a culture based on shared goals, symbols, roles, rules, and rituals. 

Appropriate Couples.

  • Couples in a committed relationship 

  • Engaged couples 

  • Everyone from newlyweds to seniors 

  • Those who wish to enhance a good marriage

  • ​Those needing better conflict management skills

  • Those who want an emotionally intelligent marriage


    • You are in a relationship with severe problems, significant emotional or physical abuse

    • You are in a relationship where who one or both partners have an addiction or substance abuse problem

    • You have serious emotional or mental health problems

    If you fall into any of these categories and you are wondering if this workshop is for you, please contact me to discuss your situation. You may reach out to me directly to find out if you are a good fit at 304-241-1854.  Please leave a message if I don’t answer and I will return your call as quickly as possible.


The Seven Principles Program will give you new insights and research-based relationship skills that can dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship and help you resolve conflict in a healthy, productive way.  This class combines teaching and demonstrations with one-on-one work sessions where you and your partner focus on your relationship with each other.  Confidentiality is strictly maintained.  Although we encourage questions and comments, you do not need to speak in the workshop if you do not want.


  • Learn to be best friends again!

  • Learn to notice the good instead of the bad

  • Learn to notice when your partner is trying and how to respond

  • Learn how to accommodate each other’s needs without sacrificing your own

  • Learn how to find solutions to those “everyday” problems that couples fight over

  • Learn how to connect on a deeper level


  • Q: Will I have to share our personal problems with the class? 
    A: No. The class does not include sharing problems or issues publicly. Couples exercises are done privately.

  • Q: Must both partners attend, or can I come alone? 
    A: Since the class involves couples doing exercises together, both partners must participate. There will be a Singles version coming soon.

  • Q: Myself and/or my partner isn’t a reader. Can we still come to the class even if we haven’t read the book? 
    A: Yes, you’re encouraged to attend class. While the book provides valuable information, the class lectures explain its content. As part of your workshop packet, each person will be provided with a couple’s guide, and we will go through the material together.

  • Q: Should we do the exercises in the book at home or save them for class? 
    A: The class will involve some of the exercises from the book, so doing them at home will duplicate some of them. We won’t be completing all the exercises in the book, so to complete theare encouraged remainder, you on your own.

  • Q: Is this therapy? 
    A: No, this is a psycho-educational class and is not a replacement for couples therapy. You will learn skills but will not be talking about private moments in your life.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to ask me anything. I’m here to answer your questions, and I’m very excited to get to know you better.